We want to thank all of our community for being so glad with our application "PlayTo for Chromecast" and the 200 positive reviews that we've reached today are a great proof of it, this would be really hard without your help.
Since the May 12 that our Extension arrived in the Chrome Web Store we've enjoyed 3 months an a half of work and happiness.
The Extension started on the bottom of the search listing and was rising slowly during the first 2 months until we reached the 4th position in the listing in reaction to the user positive response, we'll be always grateful to Chromecast users hunger for new pleasant experiences.
This later month an a half we've reached the 3rd position in the listing and that caused every number to climb exponentially out of our expectations, up to 5 times the normal traffic in matter of days; and finally that big push provide us with the visibility to reach the amusing 2nd position in the listing.
Always trying to please our "PlayTo for Chromecast" community and working sleepless nights we brought to the Extension many useful features like the video ad blocker system that works on your feedback experience with the videos reported as SPAM, improving and growing the accuracy everyday.
With many objectives in mind here we keep working for all our "PlayTo for Chromecast" community and hoping that you really enjoy the best market experience with our services.
Congratulations Chromecast Lovers!